Librarian Lou's Big Bad Voodoo Blog

Friday, October 09, 2009

Binding Comic Books #2: Starman, Sandman Mystery Theatre, Blue Beetle, American Century

After I got my complete Giffen/DeMatteis Justice League run bound into four handsome volumes by Library Binding Company in Waco, Texas, I immediately started planning my next comic book binding project. Combing through what was left of my collection, I prepped a few more complete runs by tearing out double-sided ad pages and back covers, coming up with enough material for nine new hardcover volumes.    

When all was said and done, I had torn out three inches of ad pages -- almost two entire custom-bound hardcovers worth of pages!

This was a larger order so it took them longer to process, but I was thrilled to receive the finished products earlier this week. Of course, everything looked beautiful and came out great. I collected James Robinson's Starman, my all-time favorite series, into four volumes with all possible tie-ins placed chronologically in terms of the story. In addition to Starman #0, 1-80, and 1,000,000, I found places for the two Annuals, the 80-Page Giant, the Secret Files and Origins issue, the Shade miniseries, the Batman/Hellboy/Starman miniseries, the Mist one-shot, the Power of Shazam! crossovers, Stars and STRIPE #0 (as important to the Starman mythos as it was to the new Star-Spangled Kid/Stargirl character), a short story by Robinson about Jack Knight (Starman) taking a boxing lesson from Wildcat (from the All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant), and even a JSA All-Stars issue that came out after Starman ended, reteaming Robinson and artist Tony Harris on a Golden Age Starman story. (I placed that one at the end of the final volume since it came out most recently, despite being a flashback.) 

My custom Tables of Contents: 

Sandman Mystery Theatre came next, a Vertigo series focusing on the late '30s and early '40s adventures of Wesley Dodds, the Golden Age Sandman. This mystery man had a real sense of style, dressing in a suit, trench coat, fedora, and gas mask, and carrying a gas gun that put criminals to sleep. This crime-noir period piece was often dark and violent, but featured a tender and well-developed relationship between the bookish hero Dodds and his resourceful life-long lover and partner, Dian Belmont.


In addition to the 70 issues and a single Annual, I included Sandman Midnight Theatre, an original graphic novel that tied the Mystery Theatre version of Sandman into Neil Gaiman's mythological dream king Sandman.

I made sure to fit in the two short Sandman Mystery Theatre stories from Vertigo: Winter's Edge, a holiday-themed anthology. Here is the wraparound cover from Winter's Edge #2 by Mike Allred, one of my favorite artists:  


I also collected Len Wein's complete '80s Blue Beetle series into one volume (24 issues preceded by Beetle's origin story in Secret Origins #2), and Howard Chaykin's gritty, sexy Vertigo adventure series American Century into one volume (all 27 issues). Note my snazzy custom Tables of Contents for Sandman Mystery Theatre volumes as well. 

 Anyway, here is my full library of custom-bound hardcovers, including my four Justice League volumes:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Custom-Bound Hardcover Library

***UPDATED 01.28.2024!***

BLUE BEETLE: The Complete Series
Secret Origins #2 (signed by Wein)
Blue Beetle #1-24

DEFENDERS: Indefensible (signed by Giffen, DeMatteis, and Maguire)
Defenders #1-5

JUSTICE LEAGUE: The Giffen / DeMatteis Era
Volume 1: JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL (signed by Giffen, DeMatteis, Maguire, Templeton, and McKone)

Justice League #1-4 (#1 signed by Giffen, DeMatteis, and Maguire; 2-4 signed by Maguire)
Justice League Annual #1
Justice League #5-6 (signed by Maguire)
Justice League International #7-13 (7-12 signed by Maguire)
Suicide Squad #13
Justice League International #14
Justice League International Annual #2
Justice League International #15-25 (16-19, 22-24 signed by Maguire; 20-21, 24-25 signed by Templeton, 25 signed by McKone)

JUSTICE LEAGUE: The Giffen / DeMatteis Era
Volume 2: JUSTICE LEAGUE AMERICA (signed by Giffen, DeMatteis, Hughes, Templeton, McKone, Marzan, and Beatty)

Justice League America #26-30 (#26-29 signed by Templeton, 28 signed by McKone)
Justice League America #33-36 (33-35 signed by Hughes, 35 signed by Marzan)
Justice League International Special #1
Justice League America #37-42 (37-40 signed by Hughes, 41-42 signed by McKone, 40 and 42 signed by Marzan)
Justice League America Annual #4 (signed by McKone)
Justice League America #43-52 (43-45, 51 signed by Hughes; 43-45 signed by Marzan; 46-50 signed by Beatty)

JUSTICE LEAGUE: The Giffen / DeMatteis Era
Volume 3: JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE (signed by Giffen and 
Justice League Europe #1-5 (signed by Sears)
Justice League International Annual #3 (signed by McKone)
Justice League Europe #6 (signed by Sears)
Justice League America #31 (signed by Hughes)
Justice League Europe #7 (signed by Sears)
Justice League America #32 (signed by Hughes)
Justice League Europe #8-19 (8-12, 15-19 signed by Sears, 14 signed by Marzan)
Justice League Europe Annual #1 (signed by Marzan)
Justice League Europe #20-28 (23-28 signed by Sears; 20-22 signed by Rogers)

JUSTICE LEAGUE: The Giffen / DeMatteis Era
Volume 4: JUSTICE LEAGUE: BREAKDOWNS (signed by Giffen,
 DeMatteis, and Maguire)
Justice League Quarterly #1-3 (3 signed by McKone)
Justice League America #53
Justice League Europe #29 (signed by Sears)
Justice League America #54
Justice League Europe #30 (signed by Beatty)
Justice League America #55
Armageddon 2001 #1 (signed by Jurgens)
Justice League America Annual #5 (signed by Maguire, Templeton, and Marzan)
Justice League Europe Annual #2 (signed by Templeton)
Armageddon 2001 #2 (signed by Jurgens)
Justice League Europe #31 (signed by Beatty)
Justice League America #56
Green Lantern #18
Justice League Europe #32 (signed by Beatty)
Justice League America #57
Justice League Europe #33 (signed by Beatty)
Justice League America #58 (signed by Sears and Beatty)
Justice League Europe #34
Justice League America #59 (signed by Sears)
Justice League Europe #35
Justice League America #60 (signed by Maguire)
Justice League Europe #36
Secret Origins #33-35

SANDMAN MYSTERY THEATRE Volume 1 (signed by Wagner)
Sandman Mystery Theatre #1-16 (#1 signed by Wagner)
Sandman Mystery Theatre Annual #1
Sandman Mystery Theatre #17-24

SANDMAN MYSTERY THEATRE Volume 2 (signed by Wagner)
Sandman Mystery Theatre #25-36
Sandman Midnight Theatre graphic novel
Sandman Mystery Theatre #37-48

SANDMAN MYSTERY THEATRE Volume 3 (signed by Wagner)
Sandman Mystery Theatre #49-56
Vertigo: Winter's Edge #1 (excerpt)
Sandman Mystery Theatre #57-68
Vertigo: Winter's Edge #2 (excerpt)
Sandman Mystery Theatre #69-70

STARMAN Volume 1 (signed by Harris and Von Grawbadger)
Starman #0-11 (0 signed by Harris and Von Grawbadger)
Showcase '95 #12 (excerpt)
Starman #12-19
Showcase '96 #4-5 (excerpts)
Starman #20-23
Starman Annual #1

STARMAN Volume 2 (signed by Harris)
Starman #24-35
Shade #1-4
Starman #36-37
Starman Annual #2
Starman #38-39
Power of Shazam #35
Starman #40
Power of Shazam #36
Starman #41

STARMAN Volume 3 (signed by Harris and A. Robinson)
Starman Secret Files and Origins #1
Starman #42
Batman / Hellboy / Starman #1-2
Starman 80-Page Giant #1
Starman #43
Girlfrenzy: The Mist #1
Starman #44-47
Starman #1,000,000
Starman #48-60

STARMAN Volume 4 (signed by Harris and A. Robinson)
Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #0
Starman #61-74
All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant #1 (excerpt)
Sins of Youth: Starwoman & the JSA Jr. #1
Starman #75-80
JSA All-Stars #4 (signed by McKone)

Comic Book, TPB, and Graphic Novel Library

***UPDATED 3.11.2025***

1963 #1-6 (Moore)
52 Vol. 1-4 TPBs (signed by Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, and Keith Giffen), #52 (1st chronological Beetle/Booster meeting)
Action Comics #1000 (signed by Brian Michael Bendis, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, Tom King, Clay Mann, Peter Tomasi), Annual #1 (Arthur. Adams)
Adventures In the DC Universe #8 (Beetle/Booster)
Adventures of Captain America #1-4 (signed by Fabian Nicieza and Kevin Maguire)
AEW Origins promo comic
All-New Atom #14 (Beetle; signed by Gail Simone)
All-Star Squadron #47 (Dr. Fate origin; McFarlane)
Amazing Screw-On Head #1 (Mignola)
Amazing Spider-Man #284-288 (Owsley; "Gang War" storyline)
Amazing Spider-Man: The Short Halloween (Bill Hader/Seth Meyers; signed by Kevin Maguire)
America's Best Comics 64-Page Giant #1 (Moore)
Americomics #3 (pre-DC Beetle)
Americomics Special #1 (pre-DC Charlton heroes)
Armageddon: Inferno #1-4 (Ostrander/A. Adams; return of JSA after Last Days)
Art of Arthur Adams: A Forty-Year Retrospective HC
Astonishing Ant-Man: The Complete Collection TPB (Spencer)
Astro City #1/2 (Busiek)
Avengers #273-277, 280 (Stern/Buscema; "Under Siege")
Awesome Holiday Special #1 (Moore; Youngblood)
Batman #400 (Stephen King introduction; signed by Arthur Adams), 603 (Brubaker/Phillips)
Batman Chronicles #5 (Ostrander; Oracle origin)
Batman: Ego and Other Tails TPB (signed by Darwyn Cooke)
Batman: Gotham Noir OGN (Brubaker/Phillips)
Batman/Grendel TPB (signed by Matt Wagner)
Batman: Hush TPB (Loeb/Lee; signed by Jeph Loeb)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold: The Winning Card TPB (King/Gerads)
Batman: Year One TPB (Miller)
The Beats hardcover (signed by Ed Piskor)
Before Watchmen: Minutemen #1-6 (signed by Darwyn Cooke)
Birds of Prey #1 (signed by Chuck Dixon and Greg Land), 15, 19, 25 (15, 19, 25 signed by Chuck Dixon and Butch Guice), #37 (signed by Chuck Dixon)
Blue & Gold TPB (signed by Dan Jurgens, Kevin Maguire, and Cully Hamner), #1
Blue Beetle #1 (Modern Comics; '70s reprint of Charlton)
Blue Beetle (1986 series): see Custom-Bound Hardcover Library
Blue Beetle (2023 series) #7 (Ted Kord/Booster; tribute to Giffen)
Blue Beetle Companion (TwoMorrows)
Booster Gold (1st series): #1 (signed by Dan Jurgens)
Booster Gold (2nd series): Vol. 1-5 TPBs (all signed by Dan Jurgens, Vol. 1-2 signed by Geoff Johns, Vol. 3 signed by Chuck Dixon, Vol. 4 signed by Keith Giffen), #6, 0, 7-10, 1,000,000 (Johns), #26-27 (Blackest Night w/Beetle), 32-43 (Giffen/DeMatteis; all signed by Giffen), 44-47 (Jurgens/Flashpoint)
Booster Gold/The Flintstones #1 (signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
Bowie: Stardust, Rayguns & Moonage Daydreams HC (signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
The Broccoli Agenda OGN
Building Stories box set (Ware)
Captain Atom (1st series): #83 (Modern Comics; '70s reprint of Charlton; 1st Beetle)
Captain Atom (2nd series) #1 (signed by Pat Broderick), 20 (Beetle)
Catwoman (Brubaker): Vol. 1-4 TPBs (thinner editions; Vol. 1 signed by Darwyn Cooke), #32 (Brubaker/Phillips)
Charlton Bullseye #1 (Beetle/Question)
Checkmate (2007 series) #6-7 (Suicide Squad; signed by Greg Rucka)
Chew Vol. 1-12 TPBs (Layman; all signed by Rob Guillory)
Chu Vol. 1-2 TPBs (Layman)
Civil War II: The Accused #1 (Daredevil prosecutes Hawkeye; signed by Marc Guggenheim)
Cloak and Dagger #9 (A. Adams)
Cobra: The Last Laugh HC (Gage/Costa/Fuso)
Cobra: Serpent's Coil TPB, Cobra Civil War Vol. 1-2 TPBs, Cobra Command: The Complete Collection TPB, Son of the Snake TPB, Oktober Guard TPB (Costa/Fuso)
Comic Book Tattoo TPB (Tori Amos)
Convergence: Blue Beetle #1-2
Convergence: Booster Gold #1-2
Convergence: Justice League International #1-2
Countdown To Infinite Crisis #1 (signed by Johns, Rucka, and Reis)
Coup D'Etat TPB, Coup D'Etat: Sleeper, Stormwatch, Wildcats 3.0, Authority, Afterword one-shots
Criminal: Vol. 1-6 TPBs (Brubaker/Phillips)
Daredevil (Miller): Frank Miller/Klaus Janson Vol. 1-3 TPBs, Born Again TPB, The Man Without Fear TPB
Daredevil (Bendis): Vol. 4-7, 9-13 TPBs (all signed by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev)
Daredevil (Brubaker): Devil Inside and Out Vol. 1-2, Hell To Pay Vol. 1-2, Cruel and Unusual (signed by Rucka), Lady Bullseye, Return of the King TPBs, Annual #1, Blood of the Tarantula #1
Daredevil (Waid): Vol. 1-5 oversized HCs (all signed by Mark Waid; Vol. 1 signed by Paolo and Joe Rivera and Koi Pham; Vol. 2 signed by Mike and Laura Allred, Marco Checchetto, and Koi Pham; Vol. 5 signed by Marc Guggenheim), #17 (signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
Daredevil (Soule): Vol. 1-8 TPBs (all signed by Charles Soule; Vol. 1, 3-6 signed by Ron Garney), #22
Daredevil (Zdarsky): Vol. 1-7 TPBs (all signed by Chip Zdarsky; Vol. 1, 3-7 signed by Marco Checchetto; Vol. 2, 4 signed by Jorge Fornes)
Daredevil and Batman #1 (Chichester)
Daredevil: Dark Nights TPB
Daredevil: End of Days TPB (signed by Brian Michael Bendis)
Daredevil: Love's Labors Lost TPB
Daredevil: Redemption TPB (Hine)
Daredevil/Punisher: Seventh Circle TPB (signed by Charles Soule)
DC Comics Presents #92 (Superman/Vigilante)
DC Comics: The Art of Darwyn Cooke TPB
DC Cybernetic Summer #1 (Beetle/Booster story)
DC Nation #1 (2018; signed by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, Tom King, Clay Mann)
DC New Frontier Vol. 1-2 TPBs (all signed by Darwyn Cooke)
DC Retroactive: Justice League America: The '90s one-shot (JLI; signed by Keith Giffen and Kevin Maguire)
DC Universe Legacies #10 (Blue Beetle variant)
DCeased: A Good Day To Die #1 (Taylor; Beetle, Booster, Mr. Miracle, Barda)
Deadshot: Beginnings TPB (Ostrander)
Deadshot: Bulletproof TPB (Gage)
Defenders (Giffen/DeMatteis): see Custom-Bound Hardcover Library 
Devil's Reign TPB (signed by Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto)
Dr. Mid-Nite #1-3 (Wagner)
Energon Universe 2024 Special #1 
Excalibur: Mojo Mayhem (signed by Arthur Adams)
Fade Out Vol. 1-3 TPBs (Brubaker/Phillips)
Fantastic Four #347-349 (all signed by Arthur Adams)
Fantastic Four Vol. 1 TPB (signed by Matt Fraction and Mike and Laura Allred)
Far Sector TPB (Jemisin/Jamal Campbell)
FF Vol. 1-2 TPBs (signed by Fraction and Mike and Laura Allred)
Firestorm #64 (Suicide Squad), 87 (Janus Directive), Annual 5 (Suicide Squad)
Flash #19 (Rogues), 182 (Johns/Captain Cold origin), 212 (Johns/Mirror Master origin)
Formerly Known as the Justice League TPB (Giffen/DeMatteis/Maguire; signed by Kevin Maguire; JLI)
Fortune and Glory TPB (signed by Brian Michael Bendis)
G.I. Joe #26 (origin of Snake Eyes; signed by Larry Hama)
G.I. Joe: The Cobra Files Vol. 1-2 TPBs (Costa/Fuso)
G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes: Agent of Cobra TPB (Costa)
Golden Age TPB (Robinson/Smith)
Gotham Central Book 1-4 TPBs (Brubaker/Rucka/Lark; signed by Greg Rucka)
Green Lantern/Superman: Legend of the Green Flame OGN (Gaiman; signed by Matt Wagner and Mike and Laura Allred)
Hawkeye Vol. 1-4 TPBs (Fraction/Aja/Wu; signed by Matt Fraction), #19
Hawkeye: Private Eye TPB (collects Vol. 1-2), Vol. 3 TPB (both signed by Kelly Thompson and Leonardo Romero)
Hawkman #27 (Brubaker/Phillips)
Hip-Hop Family Tree Omnibus, 2014 FCBD, 2015 FCBD (Piskor)
Human Target Vol. 1-2 HCs (King/Smallwood; JLI)
I Can't Believe It's Not the Justice League TPB (reprints JLA Classified #4-9; Giffen/DeMatteis/Maguire; signed by Kevin Maguire; JLI)
Immortal Iron Fist Vol. 1-2 TPBs (Brubaker/Fraction/Aja; both signed by Matt Fraction; Vol. 2 signed by Howard Chaykin)
Incognito Vol. 1-2 TPBs (Brubaker/Phillips)
Infinity, Inc. #30 (Last Days of JSA denouement; McFarlane)
Injustice 2 #5, 21, 33 (Beetle/Booster; all signed by Tom Taylor; #5 signed by Bruno Redondo; #21 signed by Daniele Sampere)
Invincible Iron Man Vol. 2-3 TPBs (signed by Matt Fraction)
JLA 80-Page Giant #1 (Giffen/DeMatteis/Maguire; Beetle/Booster; signed by Keith Giffen and Kevin Maguire)
JLA: Incarnations #6 (JLI; Ostrander)
JLA-Z #1 (Beetle/Booster)
JSA All-Stars #3 (Dr. Fate; Cooke)
Judgment Day: TPB, Sourcebook (Moore)
Justice League (Giffen/DeMatteis): see Custom-Bound Hardcover Library
Justice League 3000 #11-15 (Giffen/DeMatteis; Beetle/Booster; signed by Keith Giffen)
Justice League America (Giffen/DeMatteis): see Custom-Bound Hardcover Library
Justice League Europe (Giffen/DeMatteis): see Custom-Bound Hardcover Library
Justice League: Generation Lost Vol. 1-2 HCs (JLI; signed by Aaron Lopresti; Vol. 1 signed by Keith Giffen)
Justice League International (Giffen/DeMatteis): see Custom-Bound Hardcover Library
Justice League: New Frontier Special #1 (signed by Darwyn Cooke)
Justice League Quarterly #7 (Beetle's HS reunion); see also Custom-Bound Hardcover Library
Justice League Unlimited #5 (Beetle), 8 (Question), 36 (Question), 43 (Beetle/Booster)
Justice Riders OGN (J.H. Williams)
Last Days of the Justice Society of America #1
L.A.W.: Living Assault Weapons #1-6 (Beetle/Charlton heroes)
Legends: 30th Anniversary Edition TPB (Ostrander; 1st Suicide Squad and JLI)
Love and Rockets 2016 FCBD
Losers Vol. 1-5 TPBs (Diggle; all signed by Jock)
Love Is Love TPB (signed by Gail Simone and Scott Snyder)
Madman: The Oddity Odyssey TPB (signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
Madman Adventures TPB (Oni Press edition w/"Creatures of the Id" story; signed by Mike and Laura Allred), Ashcan edition (signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
Madman and the Atomics TPB (signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
Madman Atomic Comics Vol. 1-3 TPBs (all signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
Madman Comics Vol. 1-4 TPBs (all signed by Mike and Laura Allred); issue #7 (signed by Mike Allred and Darrow)
Madman: In Your Face 3D Special #1 (w/3D glasses; signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
Madman/Jam #1-2 (signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
Madman/Superman Hullabaloo TPB (signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
Man Without Fear: The Death of Daredevil TPB (MacKay)
Manhunter ('80s) #6 (Suicide Squad; Ostrander)
Manhunter ('00s): Vol. 1-5 TPBs, #27-28 (Beetle; #27 signed by Howard Chaykin)
Martian Manhunter #24 (JLI; Ostrander)
Marvel Team-Up #74 (Spidey and original SNL cast; signed by Chris Claremont and Bob Hall)
Marvel Universe by Arthur Adams Omnibus (signed by Arthur Adams)
Maus Vol. I-II TPBs
Millennium #4 (Suicide Squad)
Mister Miracle #7-8 (2nd series) (Beetle/Booster)
Mister Miracle TPB (signed by Tom King and Mitch Gerads)
Modern Masters Vol. 16: Mike Allred (TwoMorrows; signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
Mr. T and the T-Force #1 (N. Adams)
Multiversity: Pax Americana #1 (Morrison/Quitely; Charlton heroes)
Nathaniel Dusk #1-4
Nathaniel Dusk II #1-4
New Avengers (1st series) Vol. 1-3, 5-13 TPBs (all signed by Brian Michael Bendis; Vol. 1 and 3 signed by David Finch, Vol. 2 signed by Steve McNiven, Vol. 3 signed by Frank Cho, Vol. 5 signed by Howard Chaykin and Jim Cheung, Vol. 5-7 signed by Leinil Yu, Vol. 6 and 10 signed by Alex Maleev, Vol. 8-9 signed by Jim Cheung, Vol. 13 signed by Mike McKone)
New Avengers: Illuminati TPB (signed by Brian Michael Bendis and Jim Cheung)
New Mutants Special Edition (signed by Arthur Adams)
New Teen Titans #23 (1st Adrian Chase), 26-27, 29-30, 33-35, Annual #2 (1st Vigilante)  (Wolfman/Perez; all early Adrian Chase appearances)
New Year's Evil: The Rogues #1
Nightwing #63 (Beetle; signed by Chuck Dixon)
Nightwing Vol. 1-2 TPBs (Taylor/Redondo)
Parker: Martini Edition OHC (Cooke)
Parker: Martini Edition: Last Call OHC (Cooke)
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol. 1-4 TPBs (Zdarsky), Annual #1 (signed by Chip Zdarsky and Mike and Laura Allred)
Planetary Vol. 1-4 TPBs, Planetary/Batman (Ellis/Cassaday)
Point Blank TPB (Brubaker)
Power Girl #18-21 (Justice League: Generation Lost crossover)
Public Domain Vol. 1 TPB (signed by Chip Zdarsky)
The Question (2005) #1-6 (Veitch/Edwards)
Red Rocket 7 TPB (smaller Image edition; signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
Saga Vol. 1-9 TPBs (Vaughan/Staples)
Sandman Mystery Theatre: see Custom-Bound Hardcover Library
Secret Empire TPB (Spencer)
Secret Invasion TPB (signed by Brian Michael Bendis and Leinil Yu)
Secret Origins #2 (Blue Beetle), 28 (Nightshade; Suicide Squad tie-in)
Secret Six Vol. 1-3 TPBs (thicker editions; Simone/Ostrander)
Seven Soldiers of Victory #0 (Morrison/Williams III)
Sex Criminals Vol. 1-6 TPBs (all signed by Chip Zdarsky; Vol. 1-5 signed by Matt Fraction) 
Sex Criminals: Sexual Gary #1
Shade TPB (Robinson; signed by Darwyn Cooke, Cully Hamner, and Tony Harris)
She-Hulk: Complete Collection by Slott Vol. 1 TPB
She-Hulk Vol. 1-2 TPBs (signed by Charles Soule)
Showcase '94 #2-4 (Beetle)
Siege TPB (signed by Brian Michael Bendis and Olivier Coipel)
Silver Surfer Vol. 1-5 TPBs (Slott; all signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
Sleeper Vol. 1-4 TPBs (Brubaker/Phillips)
Solo #4 (signed by Howard Chaykin), 5 (signed by Darwyn Cooke), 7 (signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
Spider-Man/Deadpool #6 (Aukerman)
Spider-Man Versus Wolverine #1 (Owsley/Bright)
Spider-Man's Tangled Web #11, 21 (Cooke)
Spider-Woman Vol. 2: New Duds TPB (Hopeless)
Spider-Woman: Shifting Gears Vol. 1-3 TPBs (Hopeless)
Spirit Vol. 1-2 TPBs (Cooke)
Spirit: The New Adventures #1-2 (Moore, Gaiman)
Starman #81 (Robinson); see also Custom-Bound Hardcover Library
Suicide Squad Vol. 1-8 TPBs (Ostrander)
Suicide Squad: From the Ashes TPB (Ostrander)
Suicide Squad: War Crimes #1 (Ostrander)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man Vol. 1-3 TPBs (Spencer/Lieber)
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen TPB (Fraction/Lieber)
Supreme Vol. 1-2 TPBs, #52a-52b (Moore)
Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis #1 (Beetle)
Tales of the Human Target #1 (King/Smallwood; signed by Kevin Maguire; JLI)
Tales of the Teen Titans #53-54 (Vigilante/trial of Deathstroke)
Terminal City: The Compleat Terminal City TPB (Motter/Lark)
Terrifics #27 (Beetle)
Thunderbolts Vol. 1-2 TPBs (Ellis/Deodato)
Tick: The Complete Edlund TPB
Top Ten: Vol. 1-2 TPBs (Moore; both signed by Gene Ha)
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #4-5 (signed by Brian Michael Bendis and Mike and Laura Allred)
Uncanny X-Men Annual #9-10, 12, 14 (all signed by Arthur Adams)
Untold Tales of Spider-Man Annual '96 (signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
V For Vendetta TPB (Moore/Lloyd)
Vertical #1 (signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
Vigilante #1-50, Annuals #1-2 (Wolfman/Moore/Kupperberg), Vol. 1 TPB (contains #1-11)
Vigilante: City Lights, Prairie Justice TPB, #1-4 (Robinson)
Villains United TPB (signed by Gail Simone)
War of the Gods #3 (Suicide Squad)
Wasteland #1-18 (Ostrander/Close)
Watchmen TPB (Moore/Gibbons)
Web of Spider-Man Annual #2 (A. Adams)
West Coast Avengers Vol. 1-2 TPBs (Vol. 1 signed by Kelly Thompson)
Who's Who: Update '87 #1 (Beetle/Booster)
WildC.A.T.s: Alan Moore's Complete WildC.A.T.s TPB
Wildcats (2nd series): Vol. 2-4 TPBs (Casey/Phillips)
Wildcats 3.0: Year One, Year Two TPBs (Casey/Nguyen)
Wolverine and the X-Men #17 (signed by Jason Aaron and Mike and Laura Allred)
X-Factor (1st series): #41-42 (Arthur Adams)
X-Force Vol. 1-2 TPBs (Milligan; signed by Mike and Laura Allred)
X-Statix Vol. 1-4 TPBs (Milligan; all signed by Mike and Laura Allred; Vol. 2 signed by Darwyn Cooke)
Y The Last Man Vol. 1-10 TPBs (Vaughan/Guerra; all signed by Jose Marzan Jr.)
Youngblood #1-2 (Moore)

Thursday, July 09, 2009

DVD Library

***UPDATED 12.14.2024***

Gone Girl
Mulholland Dr. (Criterion Collection)
A Perfect Getaway
The Nice Guys
Seven Psychopaths
A Simple Favor
The Venture Bros.: Radiant Is the Blood of the Baboon Heart

Arrested Development (Seasons 1-3)
The Big Bounce
Casablanca (Special Edition)
Childrens Hospital (Seasons 1-7)
City of Sin
Dark City (Director's Cut)
Dollhouse (Seasons 1-2)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Fight Club (Special Edition)
Girl Walks Into a Bar
Goodfellas (Special Edition)
Hard Boiled
The Killer
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
L.A. Confidential (2-disc Special Edition)
The Long Kiss Goodnight
Pee-Wee's Big Adventure
Portishead PNYC Live
The Prestige
South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut
Stella (Season 1)
To Live and Die in L.A.
Transformers: The Movie (20th Anniversary)
The Venture Bros. (Complete Series set)
The Wire (Complete Series set)

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Binding Comic Books #1: Justice League International

I don't really buy new comics anymore. I may pick up a few trade paperbacks a year (only when they're heavily discounted), and I rely on inter-library loans to furnish me with others, but the days of waiting for new comic Wednesdays, scouring the spinner-racks, buying, reading, bagging, and boarding comics are over for me. I've sold or donated boxes and boxes of comics over the last few years, and just don't have the interest I used to. 

That said, even though I've greatly downsized my collection, I still have a few complete runs that I wouldn't ever want to part with, sentimental favorites from years past. But I noticed that while I'll often reread trade paperbacks on my bookshelf, I almost never delved into my remaining longboxes to reread bagged and boarded single issues, even the really terrific ones. Sure, sometimes they get reprinted in trade paperbacks, but who wants to repurchase things they already own (albeit in an inferior format)? Not I. And half the time the new TPBs are expensive (and only reprint four or six issues in a shot), or they skip issues or reprint things out of order, and they always seem to trickle out slowly. At least I know I have all the good stuff already. 

That's when I had an epiphany: what if I had my all-time favorite comics bound into collected editions of my own? That would eliminate longbox clutter, allow me easy access to old classics, and even create one-of-a-kind new collectibles. Like so many great ideas, it had already been done... but that made it even easier for me to move forward with it. To start with, I envisioned binding the classic Justice League International run co-written by Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis into four hardcover volumes. The first volume would be Justice League International, followed by Justice League America (the same series with a title change), Justice League Europe (a spinoff book that ran concurrently, starting when International changed its name to America), and finally, Justice League: Breakdowns (a crossover that ran back and forth between the two titles, leading to the end of the Giffen/DeMatteis era on both). I had all the comics, including Annuals, Specials, tie-in issues from other series, random crossovers, and whatever else was needed to make these volumes truly complete. 

But who could help me make this happen? Library Binding is based in Waco, Texas, and they specialize in the kind of comic binding projects I had in mind: . Their prices are amazing: $15 (plus shipping) for binding a stack of comic books into a simple, sturdy, no-frills hardcover book with custom text stamped into the spine. We pick the cover and text colors, which are included in the base price, and they trim the edges nice and smooth and even remove the staples in the process. Special features like fancy fonts, front cover stamping, and custom logo dies cost extra. I corresponded with experienced bookbinder James Jasek several times via e-mail with all of my questions and concerns, and the man had the patience of a saint. 

Eventually, I was ready for what most comic book collectors would consider a nightmarish scenario. I started tearing pages out of these beloved old comics. Needless to say, I wanted my custom-bound books to be as nice as possible, so I figured I would prep my comics for binding by removing all the double-sided ad pages and back covers. Nobody likes ads breaking up a story, which is one more reason trade paperbacks are so much nicer than single-issue comics. Plus, this would decrease the size of the volumes I had planned, allowing me to fit more issues into each bound book. I went through over 100 comics and very carefully tore out every offending page, which constituted a real history lesson in the comic books, video games, and junk food of the late '80s and early '90s.


This isn't a great picture for showing you the size of the stack of ads I tore out, but it's the only picture I took. Trust me, there were a LOT.  I only wished some really fastidious fanboys could have seen me in action, as they surely would have panicked and gotten offended. It seemed counterintuitive, ripping out pages -- essentially "destroying" the priceless collectibles we've gotten conditioned to think of comics as. But I've moved past that. The best comics are reading material first and foremost, deserving to be accessible for revisiting at any point, like good friends. Instead of destroying these old issues, I saw myself creating something new. Something better. Something that could be displayed proudly on a bookshelf instead of taped up in mylar and surrounded by cardboard, shielded from the light of day. In the end, I had my four volumes planned out, and divided the comics into four stacks to get them ready for Library Binding.


I filled out their binding slips with everything I wanted and sent them off. Was I nervous? You better believe it! But I had seen samples of the beautiful work Library Binding did, and I knew my beloved Justice League International comics were in good hands. About a month later, I received a package at work. The books were ready! How did they come out? See for yourselves!


I added custom Tables of Contents to each volume:


And the books lay open flat, unlike most "official" published trade paperbacks: 

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Want List

Here are items I would love to get eventually, either for good prices or via trading.

***UPDATED 3.8.2025***

Toys and Collectibles I want:
AEW: Timeless Toni Storm (Ringside Collectibles Exclusive)
Marvel Legends: Daredevil (from Amazon exclusive Defenders 4-pack), Matt Murdock (Spider-Man: No Way Home wave), Songbird
MAFEX: Batman (Hush), Daredevil
Executive Replicas: Rocketeer, Reuben Flagg, Grendel
Operation Monster Force: Count Dracula
Simpsons World of Springfield: Comic Book Guy
Super 7 Ultimates Beastie Boys (Sabotage): Nathan Wind, Vic Colfari, Alesandro Alegre
Super 7 ReAction Beastie Boys (Sabotage): Nathan Wind, Vic Colfari, Alesandro Alegre
Indiana Jones Adventure Series: Indiana Jones (Last Crusade; the one with the necktie)

TPBs and Comics I want:
Amazing Spider-Man #289
Twelve Reasons to Die TPB
Thunderbolts by Jeff Parker Omnibus OR all TPBs
Secret Six Vol. 4: Caution to the Wind TPB
Suicide Squad: Bad Blood TPB (Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo)
Nightwing TPBs Vol. 3 onward OR Omnibus (Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo)
Daredevil and Elektra Vol. 1-3 TPBs (Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto)
Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye Vol. 1-10 TPBs (James Roberts)

DVDs and Blu-Rays I want:
Streets of Fire (Blu-Ray)
Twin Peaks (any set that includes everything, including The Missing Pieces)
The Long Goodbye (DVD or Blu-Ray)
The Big Sleep (DVD or Blu-Ray)
Motherless Brooklyn (Blu-Ray)
Blade Runner: The Final Cut (Blu-Ray)
Blade Runner 2049 (Blu-Ray)